Sunday 18 March 2018

The most disappointing feeling I guess is realizing that the people you idolize are assholes.

Friday 16 March 2018


Nowadays, my dreams feel more exciting than my reality.

In dreams, we can be whoever we want to be, or I am always thrown into situations where I can be completely different from who I am in my waking life. Maybe its the tv shows that influence my dreams but sometimes they can feel like a movie, from crime and thriller to adventure and fantasy. There are times when I have abstract dreams that I don't remember much about but then there are dreams that have me waking up in tears. Sometimes those dreams feel so real that my heart hurts like someone was squeezing on it.

I feel that my life is on a stagnation at the moment. I feel no lows, which I am thankful for, but I feel no highs. If my life could be drawing in graphs, it would currently be in this straight line that is slowly falling downwards with the occasional upwards spike.

I don't feel joy in the things I used to enjoy and all I want to do is sleep and escape.
Just sleep and escape in my dreams. 

"For in dreams, we enter a world that is entirely our own." - Albus Dubledore